Plastic Free Living Tips | Object Beauty Review

Plastic Free Living Tips | Object Beauty Review

If you’re anything like me, the plastic crisis looms heavy over your head. Thoughts of single-use plastics accumulated in landfills, micro-plastics degrading in our oceans and waterways, and the knowledge that recycling is not a viable solution, are all part of my daily ruminations. Yet, all the great change in history has been led by people, not corporations, and we need to be reminded that our actions and choices do matter, as they continuously weigh into the collective balance. So here are some ideas on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle when it comes to plastics!

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Protect our Oceans: 6 Individual Actions You Can Take Today

Protect our Oceans: 6 Individual Actions You Can Take Today

How can we help protect our oceans? It’s a question I ask myself every time I take a plunge into the deep blue. The answer isn’t easy nor is it straightforward, but it’s urgent that we act, no matter how imperfectly. In the following article, I’ve compiled a list of ways we can all help conserve our bountiful yet depleted oceans.

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Plastic Pollution Essay: a Multi-Fold Solutions

Plastic Pollution Essay: a Multi-Fold Solutions

How much plastic is too much plastic, and how can we halt this infernal machine? For the past few months—ever-since my return from Cambodia, plastics have been weighing heavily on my mind. I decided to go past the obvious facts and do some proper research on the topic: why are plastics everywhere and what should we do about them?

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