Protect our Oceans: 6 Individual Actions You Can Take Today

Protect our Oceans: 6 Individual Actions You Can Take Today

How can we help protect our oceans? It’s a question I ask myself every time I take a plunge into the deep blue. The answer isn’t easy nor is it straightforward, but it’s urgent that we act, no matter how imperfectly. In the following article, I’ve compiled a list of ways we can all help conserve our bountiful yet depleted oceans.

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Why You Should Try Wwoofing in France

Why You Should Try Wwoofing in France

Last week, while gazing out at the Atlantic Ocean, my dad and I decided to do something completely out of the ordinary: wwoofing together in the Pyrenees. As an environmentalist and filmmaker, I’ve had a growing interest in organic farming and now felt like the right time to put my enthusiasm into practice. Here’s how it all happened and what we learned out on the farm!

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Environmental Movies That Changed My Life

Environmental Movies That Changed My Life

As an environmental documentary filmmaker myself, I’ve watched hundreds of environmental movies. They inspire my work and lifestyle and are great sources of empowerment. I often get asked for recommendations so I thought I’d share this list, gathering my favorite 15 films and giving reasons as to why.

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