Green Travels | what’s in my travel camera bag

& the best travel camera backpack

I often get interest from people wanting to know what camera gear and accessories I use while working on documentaries around the world, so I have put together this complete guide of what I carry in my backpack on my travels. Everything has been tested out into rough field conditions and I personally recommend all the following products to all travel filmmakers and photographers.

Best travel camera backpack & travel camera gear

This list also takes into account the weight factor for people interested in backpacking or simply light traveling and everything listed below ensures that you can capture beautiful visuals while not getting slowed down by too much weight.


Best Travel Camera Backpack

Option 1 // Budget Camera Bag

This budget friendly backpack has been following me in my green travels for the past year and I absolutely love it! Water repellent, dirt and humidity resistant, this backpack has great compartmentalization and storage abilities.

Option 2 // Once in a Lifetime Camera Bag

The best purchase decision you might ever make! This is the best travel camera backpack on the market. Iconic, award-winning and outstanding for my everyday and photo carry needs, this pack has built in around access which makes it easy for fast paced adventures. This travel camera bag is designed to fit the maximum size allowed for carry-on luggage so you’ll never have to spend money on check-in baggage again!


Best Mirrorless Camera for Travel: Sony Alpha a7II

Ever since I switched to Sony, my life changed and this model is not only one of the most affordable on the market, but it’s also one of the best in terms of compact mirrorless. I shoot all my photos and videos with this camera and the quality of my images has shot through the roof ever since I made this purchase. In my eyes, it’s simply the best mirrorless camera for travel. You can browse through my photos in my blog to give you an idea of what this camera is capable of.

Best Sony Lenses for Video and Photo

Now that you know which body is in my travel camera bag, let’s move on to one of the most essential tool of good photography and filmmaking: the lenses in your travel camera backpack. Your lenses will determine your reach and give you the flexibility and tools to take great pictures.


This lens is affordable and has some beautiful filming and photo abilities. Great for portrait or detail photography, this lens never leaves my kit.

travel camera bag

This is my go-to lens for this camera. I love working with a wide-angle and its versatility allows me to switch between landscape and lifestyle seamlessly.


The 300mm reach offers endless possibilities when it comes to compression and wildlife. Check out this blog post to see it in action.

Drone Camera: DJI Mavic Air

The DJI Mavic Air drone is at the top of its game when it comes to affordability and compactness: it fits in the palm of your hand! It shoots high -resolution images in JPEG + RAW and high definition 4K video. Purchase it today and take your work to a new level.

Laptop Computer: MacBook Pro 15”'4

Hate it or love it, I’m a mac creator. It’s lightweight, beautifully designed and ideal to fit in any heavy duty travel camera bag. My MacBook is definitely my most used accessory in this kit. Although this all happens behind the scenes and not many of you get to know this side of me, I do spend most of my off-time working on my computer: uploading, editing and writing.

Action Camera: GoPro 6 and its Dome


The most popular camera on the planet, simple as that. Although I don’t shoot much with GoPro, I do love using it for all my fast-paced water adventures. This tiny camera has captured some of the best and rawest moments of my life with its wide range of functions. Bonus, it’s so easy to use! Grab yourself the Hero6, it’s cheaper than the newer models and packs awesome technology.

Have you ever wanted to get these dreamy under over water shots with the GoPro? Well there you go. That’s how you do it: with this little dome housing you can create that perfect 50/50 shot easily. I use mine all the time!

Hard Drive: WD Elements

As a filmmaker, my images and video files take up an enormous amount space on my MacBook so I use this reliable compact external hard drive to store everything.