Zero Waste Skincare Routine | DIY Natural Ingredients

Zero Waste Skincare Routine | DIY Natural Ingredients

A zero-waste skincare routine is the basis of a sustainable lifestyle and in this article, I list my favorite natural, zero-waste skincare ingredients which you can already most likely find in your kitchen! When combined these ingredients can become powerful beauty hacks that will save you money while also contributing to the protection of our beautiful planet.

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Zero Waste Skincare

Zero Waste Skincare

Looking for zero waste skincare inspiration? Read about Megan’s New York journey to zero waste beauty: which brands are best? Who offers recycling programs and what’s the hardest part of having a waste-free beauty routine? it’s all in this Green Wanderlust guide.

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Plastic Pollution Essay: a Multi-Fold Solutions

Plastic Pollution Essay: a Multi-Fold Solutions

How much plastic is too much plastic, and how can we halt this infernal machine? For the past few months—ever-since my return from Cambodia, plastics have been weighing heavily on my mind. I decided to go past the obvious facts and do some proper research on the topic: why are plastics everywhere and what should we do about them?

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Face Mask with Oatmeal 

Face Mask with Oatmeal 

My skin is one of my biggest insecurity and I struggle with it on a daily basis. One of the solutions I have found to help me fight that insecurity is making my own homemade facemasks. They soothe my skin as much as they soothe my mind, and I will usually mix them up two to three times a week. Here, I am sharing with you my favorite four recipes!

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