Face Mask with Oatmeal 

Face mask with Oatmeal 

my homemade face masks 

face mask with oatmeal

I love face masks! Anytime I feel stressed, down, or not quite at home in my own skin, it’s my first go-to self-care solution. Nowadays, face masks are really easy to find and there are hundreds of options to choose from both online and in stores, but often, these masks come with harmful ingredients and are warped in tons of unnecessary packaging that will inevitably end up in a landfill. Not to say they’re also always so overpriced! Bottom line: I usually make my own, and that way I know exactly what goes on my skin: ingredients and dosages alike. 

I love face masks so much that even when I travel I carry around a small toiletry bag with my favorite ingredients: powdered clay, manuka honey, raw cacao, oatmeal, and matcha powder. This might seem excessive to some, but it makes me happy and I’d much rather mix my own face-masks in a hotel room than run down to a store and slather some unknown chemicals on my skin. In this guide, I’m sharing my favorite 4 recipes for homemade face masks with oatmeal, a soothing and calming ingredient good for all skin types. 

I hope you enjoy them, and let me know if you have feedback or want to share other recipes, and remember to leave the masks on for no longer than 15 minutes!

I. Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Oily-Combination Skin

II. Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Dry-Patchy Skin

III. Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Dry & Acne-Prone Skin

IV. Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Inflamed Skin 

face mask with oatmeal

Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Oily-Combination Skin

2 tablespoons oatmeal 

1 tablespoon yogurt 

1 teaspoon honey 

optional: rosewater 

If you’re struggling with problems such as oily or combination skin, you know exactly how difficult it can be to find the right skincare products. Search no further: this one is the mask for you! Honey is such a magical ingredient, it’s great to hydrate the skin and lock in that moisture. I sometimes even just do a straight-up honey mask when I’m in a rush and it works great. 

Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Dry-Patchy Skin

1 teaspoon warm water 

1 tablespoon oatmeal 

1 tablespoon melted coconut oil  

This mask is great because it’s both soothing and hydrating! Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that can also be great for clearing up the skin. I use coconut oil as my general moisturizer—it can take a while for the skin to soak it in and I wouldn’t recommend it for oily skin, but when my skin is dry, it works wonders. 

Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Dry & Acne-Prone Skin

2 tablespoon of raw powdered cacao 

1 tablespoon of clay 

1 tablespoon honey

optional: a few drops of argan oil 

That one is my ultimate favorite of this series. I don’t suffer much from acne, but I do have a little rosacea and this mask is perfect for rebalancing my skin tone and giving me the hydration I need. I’ve bought locally produced raw cacao in Panama and I grate it freshly for each mask but you can use any commercial raw cacao, just make sure it has no sugar mixed in. 

Face mask with Oatmeal // Mask for Inflamed Skin 

2 tablespoon of plain yogurt

2 tablespoon of pureed cucumber 

2 tablespoon of oatmeal 

A combination of shooting exfoliation is hard to get! But the blend of the cucumber and oatmeal addresses this perfectly for sensitive and inflamed skin. The yogurt also helps gently exfoliate the skin. It’s my favorite face mask with oatmeal for after prolonged any sun-exposure, both in winter and summer.

Also, just wanted to note something very important: remember perfect skin does not exist and that you should never be defined by your skin. Acne, scars, pores, and red patches are normal, most of us have them and there’s no magic trick to completely getting rid of them—that I know of, at least. What really matters is learning how to become confident in our own skins. We all have different ways of achieving that, and making my own face-masks is one way that works great for me.

I personally struggle a lot with my skin and anytime I feel myself slipping in dangerous self-hatred behaviors, I try and remember to be kind to myself and not to let air-brushed and filtered images set the standard for my life. You are worth every bit as much as anyone else on this planet, with skin problems and without. Reach out if you need help, and help spread positive messages to encourage other people in their search for self-love.

That’s all for now! Leave a comment below if you like this type of content and I’ll be sure to share more tips from my organic, zero-waste beauty routine. 


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